Heidi (11.12.14 Wasabi and Panos)
We are forever grateful for the purchase of our pup! We researched a lot of kennels and my conclusion was a simple one!
I found your web site after weeks of searching , what kept me on your site was Your testimonials, I read every single one of them! I felt comfortable enough to contact you, the result is a beautiful, intelligent and happy little girl we named Heidi! Are vet told us we made a great choice, and of course, we get compliments all the time on her beauty and happiness! I always recommend Creekside!
Creekside kennels truly care about there breeding program, there dogs and there pups!
I will continue sharing pictures and stories of Heidi , because we know you care!
Yours truly,
Ken & Char
I found your web site after weeks of searching , what kept me on your site was Your testimonials, I read every single one of them! I felt comfortable enough to contact you, the result is a beautiful, intelligent and happy little girl we named Heidi! Are vet told us we made a great choice, and of course, we get compliments all the time on her beauty and happiness! I always recommend Creekside!
Creekside kennels truly care about there breeding program, there dogs and there pups!
I will continue sharing pictures and stories of Heidi , because we know you care!
Yours truly,
Ken & Char
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